Moving garments and other cloth objects exhibit dynamic, complex wrinkles. Generating such wrinkles in a virtual environment currently requires either a time-consuming manual design process, or a computationally expensive simulation, often combined with accurate parameter-tuning requiring specialized animator skills. Our work presents an alternative approach for wrinkle generation which combines coarse cloth animation with a post-processing step for efficient generation of realistic-looking fine dynamic wrinkles. Our method uses the stretch tensor of the coarse animation output as a guide for wrinkle placement. To ensure temporal coherence, the placement mechanism uses a space-time approach allowing not only for smooth wrinkle appearance and disappearance, but also for wrinkle motion, splitting, and merging over time. Our method generates believable wrinkle geometry using specialized curve-based implicit deformers. The method is fully automatic and has a single user control parameter that enables the user to mimic different fabrics.
Cloth, wrinkle modeling, procedural animation, implicit modeling, mesh deformation.Reference
Damien Rohmer, Tiberiu Popa, Marie-Paule Cani, Stefanie Hahmann, Alla Sheffer.Animation Wrinkling: Augmenting Coarse Cloth Simulations with Realistic-Looking Wrinkles.
SIGGRAPH Asia, ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG), 29(5).
Video extract
[Dancing front]
[Dancing back]
- The original set of animated cloth meshes in mdd format.
Related diffusion works
- - [jpg]: Back-cover image on Proceedings on Transaction on Graphics, 29(5).
- - [mp4]: Appear in SIGGRAPH Asia 2010, Technical Papers Preview Trailer (2:07-2:17).
- - [pdf]: Article in CNRS, Le Journal, n. 256, p.10, mai 2011.
- - [html]: Article in INSMI (Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs Interactions).
- - [mp3]: Radio announcement at France Inter, La Tête Au Carre.
- - [pdf]: Plaquette faits marquants, LJK.
The published version is available at
@2010 ACM