Related litterature
- Polygonal modeling (SIGGRAPH course notes)
[M. Botsh, M. Pauly, L. Kobbelt, P. Alliez, B. Levy, S. Bischoff, C. Roossl. Geometric Modeling Based on Polygonal Meshes. ACM SIGGRAPH Course Notes. 2007.]
- Subdivision (SIGGRAPH course notes)
[D. Zorin, P. Schroder, T. DeRose, L. Kobbelt, A. Levin, W. Sweldens. Subdivision for Modeling and Animation. ACM SIGGRAPH Course Notes. 2000.]
- Differential geometry (SIGGRAPH course notes)
[K. Crane, F. de Goes, M. Desbrun, P. Schroder. Digital Geometry Processing with Discrete Exterior Calculus. ACM SIGGRAPH Course Notes. 2013.]
- Physically based deformation (Pixar, SIGGRAPH course notes)
[A. Witkin, D. Baraff. Physically Based Modelling. ACM SIGGRAPH Course Notes. 2001.]
Useful Tools
Mesh manipulation software
- Blender 3D modeling/animation/rendering software.
- MeshLab Visualization and manipulation (hole filling, mesh reparing, etc) for various format.
- Geomview Mesh visualization tool.
- Wings 3D Subdivision modeling software.
Mesh manipulation libraries
- Graphite Library + GUI for maillage (texture, remeshing, ...).
- CGAL Library for meshes + mesh processing algorithm (Halfedge).
- OpenMesh Library for meshes (Halfedge).
Render engine
- Yaf(a)Ray Advanced ray-tracer (compatible with Blender).
- PovRay Standard ray-tracer.
- LuxRender Physically Based rendering.
Exemples of 3D data