Animation in Graphics - Research Training Days

  • What: Hand-on Courses and Labs on 3D Animation and Physically based Simulation
  • When: 10-12 April 2024
  • Where: LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau
  • Cost: Free
    • No registration fees, meal provided in the limit of the budget
  • Registration: Closed.

We organize on the campus of Ecole polytechnique in Palaiseau three training days dedicated to 3D Animation and Physics Based Simulation in the 10, 11 and 12 April 2024, as part of the GDR IG-RV initiative to propose Young Researcher training.

Along these three days, we will propose lectures and lab classes on the topic of 3D Animation in Computer Graphics, covering fundamental approaches such as real-time character animation, rigid bodies simulation, elastic simulation, and fluid simulations. The class will take a hands-on focus, with a majority of time spent on practice and coding-oriented approaches, allowing the participant to fully implement the related algorithms.

Most lectures and labs will be handled by Damien Rohmer (LIX, Vista). A special invited lecture from Matthieu Desbrun (Inria Saclay/LIX, Geomerix) on the Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBM) for fluid simulation will be given on the last day.




Remarks about meals and breaks:

Lab and content organisation

  • \(\Rightarrow\) Link to content and open-source codes

Targeted Audience

Prerequisites and organisation



    • LIX, Batiment Alan Turing
    • 1 rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves
    • 91120 Palaiseau

